Get started with Duino-Coin
We've prepared an interactive tool to make sure anyone can easily start mining on their device. Get yourself a cup of coffee and start your adventure with our coin!
Before we start... 🤔
Do you have a Duino-Coin account?
You can login here with your account to speed up the configration of some mining softwares.
If you're new in Duino, please register on the network and return once you're done. Trust us - creating a wallet should take you less than 3 minutes!
Connect your account for convenience
Welcome, Duino user👋
What are you planning to mine with?
Windows, Linux or macOS
Android, iOS, etc.
Feature phone or limited device
Requires network access and internet browser
Raspberry Pi
Zero, 1...5 (incl. relatives - e.g. Orange Pi)
Nano, Pro Mini, Uno, Mega, DUE, etc. Recommended
NodeMCU, Wemos, ESP01 modules, etc. Recommended
ESP-WROOM, DevKit, S-series, C-series, etc. Recommended
Raspberry Pi
Pico Experimental
More tutorials will be coming soon!
While we only offer step-by-step tutorials for the most popular configurations, the amount of devices that you can mine Duino-Coin on is much larger. See the benchmarks section and community-made softwares on our GitHub.
Dual-core power!
The ESP32 is a dual core wireless development board capable of efficiently mining Duino-Coin. The guide below should help get you started with achieving setting up Arduino IDE and uploading the DUCO miner code to your board.
1 First up, let's install Arduino IDE. Using this program we can upload codes to many types of microcontrollers, including the ESP32. You can use the button below or visit yourself.
Please install the software by following the installer instructions and continue to the next step.
Add ESP32 support to Arduino IDE. To do that, firstly open the program, click File on the top, then Preferences and paste the following in the Additional Boards Manager URLs field:
Save changes by clicking OK once you're done.
3 Install ESP32 support for Arduino IDE. Click Tools on the top of the program, hover on the Board: XXX field and open the Boards Manager... window.
In the search box type esp32 - a package by Espressif Systems should come up. Install the newest 3.x.x version for best performance.
When the package finishes installing you can click the Close button.
4 Install ArduinoJson library. Click Sketch on the top of the program, hover on the Include Library field and click the Manage Libraries... entry.
In the search box type ArduinoJson - a package by Benoit Blanchon should come up. Install the newest version.
When the library finishes installing you can click the Close button.
Important information for dual-core ESP32 users:
If you own a dual core ESP32 board (ESP32-Wroom, -Wrover, etc.), you may get an error during compilation related to TridentTD_EasyFreeRTOS32
missing. To fix this, please follow these steps:
Click Sketch on the top of the program, hover on the Include Library field and click the Manage Libraries... entry.
In the search box type TridentTD_EasyFreeRTOS32 - a package by TridentTD should come up. Install the newest version.
When the library finishes installing you can click the Close button.
6 Prepare your Duino-Coin miner code. Below are fields that you should fill in. They will change required variables in the code so you don't have to do it manually (and possibly mess something up).
Below you can find a button to download a .zip file containing your customized code from the input fields above.
Download the .zip and extract the folder to your desktop. Double click on the ESP_Code.ino to launch it with Arduino IDE.
If it doesn't open automatically, in IDE click File, then Open and navigate to the folder you just downloaded.
At the top of Arduino IDE you should see all 6 files. If you see only one, you did not extract the .zip file correctly. Make sure all files are in the same folder.
Upload miner code to your board.
Make sure to plug in the board to your computer using a USB cable, choose ESP32 Dev board in the Tools Board ESP32 Arduino dropdown and select a COM port in Tools Port list. No need to change anything else - just click the "" upload button and wait until it finishes.
Verify the miner working in serial monitor.
When the code finishes uploading, you can always check what the ESP is doing by opening the serial monitor. You can use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + M to bring it up, or click on Tools Serial Monitor.
Then make sure to use 500000 baud or you won't see anything.
If everything's correct, you should see some messages coming up. If something's wrong, the ESP will spit out a corresponding message.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Wireless mining for the win!
The ESP8266 is a wireless development board capable of efficiently mining Duino-Coin. The guide below should help get you started with achieving setting up Arduino IDE and uploading the DUCO miner code to your board.
1 First up, let's install Arduino IDE. Using this program we can upload codes to many types of microcontrollers, including the ESP8266. You can use the button below or visit yourself. We do not recommend using Arduino IDE 2.0+ - you may face problems.
Please install the software by following the installer instructions and continue to the next step.
Add ESP8266 support to Arduino IDE. To do that, firstly open the program, click File on the top, then Preferences and paste the following in the Additional Boards Manager URLs field:
Save changes by clicking OK once you're done.
3 Install ESP8266 support for Arduino IDE. Click Tools on the top of the program, hover on the Board: XXX field and open the Boards Manager... window.
In the search box type esp8266 - a package by ESP8266 Community should come up - select the newest version and click the Install button to (obviously) install it.
When the package finishes installing you can click the Close button.
4 Install ArduinoJson library. Click Sketch on the top of the program, hover on the Include Library field and click the Manage Libraries... entry.
In the search box type ArduinoJson - a package by Benoit Blanchon should come up. Install the newest version.
When the library finishes installing you can click the Close button.
5 Prepare your Duino-Coin miner code. Below are fields that you should fill in. They will change required variables in the code so you don't have to do it manually (and possibly mess something up).
Below you can find a button to download a .zip containing your customized code from the input fields above.
Download the .zip and extract the folder to your desktop. Double click on the ESP_Code.ino to launch it with Arduino IDE.
If it doesn't open automatically, in IDE click File, then Open and navigate to the folder you just downloaded.
At the top of Arduino IDE you should see all 6 files. If you see only one, you did not extract the .zip file correctly. Make sure all files are in the same folder.
Upload miner code to your board.
Make sure to plug in the board to your computer using a USB cable, choose Generic ESP8266 Module in the Tools Board ESP8266 Boards dropdown and select a COM port in Tools Port list. No need to change anything else - just click the "" upload button and wait until it finishes.
Verify the miner working in serial monitor.
When the code finishes uploading, you can always check what the ESP is doing by opening the serial monitor. You can use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + M to bring it up, or click on Tools Serial Monitor.
Then make sure to use 500000 baud or you won't see anything.
If everything's correct, you should see some messages coming up. If something's wrong, the ESP will spit out a corresponding message.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Pico it is!
Raspberry Pi Pico support is still experimental because it still lacks good Arduino IDE documentation. Picos have (presumably) two cores, but the code, for now, uses only one - maybe it will change in the future. We suggest buying ESP32s for the same price and more features instead.
1 First up, let's install Arduino IDE. Using this program we can upload codes to many types of microcontrollers, including the RP2040 (Pico). You can use the button below or visit yourself.
Please install the software by following the installer instructions and continue to the next step.
Add Pico support to Arduino IDE. To do that, firstly open the program, click File on the top, then Preferences and paste the following in the Additional Boards Manager URLs field:
Save changes by clicking OK once you're done.
3 Install Pico support for Arduino IDE. Click Tools on the top of the program, hover on the Board: XXX field and open the Boards Manager window.
In the search box type pico - a package by Earle F. Philhower should come up. Install the latest version and Close the window.
4 Now you need to download the newest Duino-Coin release containing everything else you'll need (the AVR Miner program and the Arduino code).
After downloading you need to extract the .zip file. You can do this by opening it and moving the contents to your desktop.
Open the Arduino Code. Inside the release you just extracted there's a folder named Arduino_Code, in which you'll find Arduino_Code.ino - double clicking should open it with Arduino IDE.
Select your board model in Tools Board and the COM port in Tools Port. No need to change anything else - just click the "" upload button and wait until it finishes, then close Arduino IDE.
Time to set up the miner program! Locate the AVR Miner and launch it. From now on - answer it's questions to go through the configuration phase. When the miner asks for a COM port - simply enter the same one you uploaded your code to.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
One question first!
What system does your smartphone run?
Use the Fatorius' Miner app
Use the Web Miner
One question first!
What will be your host device?
Arduino boards do not have Wi-Fi, so they need a host device that will connect to the Duino-Coin server and communicate for them.
Windows, Linux or macOS
Raspberry Pi
Zero, 1...5 (incl. relatives - e.g. Orange Pi)
Beep-beep boop-boop, android here!
For mining on Android smartphones you can use the Fatorius' DuinoCoinMiner app. This app is still in development, so expect some bugs and remember to send feedback to the creator.
1 Download and install the app on your smartphone.
2 Enter your username, mining key and start mining - simple as that. If you want, you can change the mining intensity and the amount of mining threads, but it's best to leave them at defaults if you don't know what you're doing.
3 Miner will report current hashrate (mining speed) - the higher the hashrate, the better. If you've entered everything correctly, you should see your device appear in the Wallet after a minute or two.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
arDuino mining!
Mining with Arduino boards is the recommended way of mining Duino-Coin. Arduinos get the highest rewards and lowest mining difficulty, although they require a host device.
1 First up, let's install Arduino IDE. Using this program we can upload codes to many types of microcontrollers (AVRs). You can use the button below or visit yourself.
Please install the software by following the installer instructions and continue to the next step.
2 Now you need to download the newest Duino-Coin release containing everything else you'll need (the AVR Miner program and the Arduino code).
After downloading you need to extract the .zip file. You can do this by opening it and moving the contents to your desktop.
Open the Arduino Code. Inside the release you just extracted there's a folder named Arduino_Code, in which you'll find Arduino_Code.ino - double clicking should open it with Arduino IDE.
Select your board model (Raspberry Pi Pico) in Tools Board and the COM port in Tools Port. No need to change anything else - just click the "" upload button and wait until it finishes, then close Arduino IDE.
Time to set up the miner program! Locate the AVR_Miner and launch it. From now on - answer it's questions to go through the configuration phase. When the miner asks for a COM port - simply enter the same one you uploaded your code to.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
arDuino mining with Raspberry help!
Mining with Arduino boards is the recommended way of mining Duino-Coin. Arduinos get the highest rewards and lowest mining difficulty, although they require a host device.
1 First up, let's install Arduino IDE on your PC (we'll use the Raspberry Pi later). Using this program we can upload codes to many types of microcontrollers (AVRs). You can use the button below or visit yourself.
Please install the software by following the installer instructions and continue to the next step.
2 Download the newest Duino-Coin release containing the Arduino code.
Open the Arduino Code. Inside the release you just extracted there's a folder named Arduino_Code, in which you'll find Arduino_Code.ino - double clicking should open it with Arduino IDE.
Select your board model in Tools Board and the COM port in Tools Port. No need to change anything else - just click the "" upload button and wait until it finishes, then close Arduino IDE.
3 Now let's move to your Raspberry Pi. We assume you have already installed a system on it (we recommend Raspbian) and connected it to the internet, if not - please see this tutorial first.
Locate and launch the Terminal app on your Raspberry Pi - it should be in the Accessories tab in the main menu.
First up, let's update your packages - copy & paste these commands (and execute them by clicking the enter key), one by one:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Next, install python and git:
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-pip git
Now we'll clone the duino-coin repository:
git clone
Navigate to the duino-coin directory:
cd duino-coin
Connect your Arduino to the Raspberry Pi using an USB cable if you haven't already and launch the AVR Miner:
At first, the miner will (attempt to) automatically install required dependencies via pip. If it fails, you'll need to do it manually using the command it will show.
In the newest Python versions it may be impossible to install dependencies due to PIP's policy. To restore the bevahior from previous versions, use these commands:
mkdir ~/.config
, then mkdir ~/.config/pip
and finally
echo -e "[global]\nbreak-system-packages=true" > ~/.config/pip/pip.conf
After executing these commands, launch the Miner again.
When starting it for the first time answer it's questions to go through the configuration phase. Note that serial ports on linux are named /dev/ttyUSB* or /dev/ttyACM* (unlike COM* in Windows).
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Classically with the PC, alright! 🖥️
What operating system does your computer run?
Windows 10 or newer Recommended
Windows 8 or older
7, Vista, XP, etc.
E.g. Ubuntu or Debian
macOS Experimental
Not sure
One question first!
Are you okay with installing Python and launching command-line programs?
Yes, let's run the PC Miner
Install Python 3 and launch the PC Miner from source code
Not really, I'll try the web miner
Start the mining process directly in your web browser
Source code it is!
1 Depending on the Windows version you use, there are different Python 3 versions available. Download the appropriate one for your system:
Please install Python 3 on your system with default options and continue to the next step.
Download the source code version of latest release. The bundle also contains other official programs and codes you are likely to use along your Duino journey. The download button fetches data directly from our GitHub - you can also download files from there if you prefer so.
3 After downloading you need to extract the .zip file. On newer systems you can do this by opening it and moving the contents to your desktop. Others may need installing archiving software like 7-Zip.
Launch the by double clicking on it's icon.
At first, the miner will (attempt to) automatically install required dependencies via pip. If it fails, you'll need to do it manually using the command it will provide.
From this point the PC Miner should tell you all you need to know. Answer the questions to complete the configuration phase - miner will remember the settings for the future.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section. To stop mining - simply close the PC Miner program.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Let's do it the Linux way!
Although we ship precompiled Linux binaries, launching our softwares on these systems should be done by installing Python from your package manager and starting the source code version of the Duino-Coin bundle. We have prepared some terminal commands to help you with the installation.
Install Python 3.7 or newer on your system (e.g. by executing sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-pip
in your terminal) and continue to the next step.
2 Download the source code version of latest release. The bundle also contains other official programs and codes you are likely to use along your Duino journey. If you prefer, you can also download files from our GitHub.
To download the latest source you can use the following command:
After downloading you need to extract the .zip file. You can do this by opening it and moving the contents to your desktop or typing the following command:
Navigate into the folder you extracted the release to with
cd duino-coin-4.0
and Launch the by typing
into your terminal.
At first, the miner will (attempt to) automatically install required dependencies via pip. If it fails, you'll need to do it manually using the command it will provide.
From this point the PC Miner should tell you all you need to know. Answer the questions to complete the configuration phase - miner will remember the settings for the future.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section. To stop mining - simply close the PC Miner program.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Delicious choice!
We assume you have already installed a system on it (we recommend Raspbian) and connected it to the internet, if not - please see this tutorial first.
First up, update your packages - copy & paste these commands (and execute them by clicking the enter key), one by one:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Next, install python and git:
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-pip git
This process can take a while, especially when you're on a fresh system.
2 Download the source code of Duino-Coin. Our repository contains all programs and codes you're likely to use while discovering Duino. If you prefer, you can also download files from our GitHub.
To download the latest source you can use the following command:
git clone
When you'll want to update your softwares (e.g. when a new release comes out) you can use the following command in the duino-coin directory:
git pull
Navigate into the folder you extracted the release to with
cd duino-coin
and launch the by typing
into your terminal.
At first, the miner will (attempt to) automatically install required dependencies via pip. If it fails, you'll need to do it manually using the command it will show.
In the newest Python versions it may be impossible to install dependencies due to PIP's policy. To restore the bevahior from previous versions, use these commands:
mkdir ~/.config
, then mkdir ~/.config/pip
and finally
echo -e "[global]\nbreak-system-packages=true" > ~/.config/pip/pip.conf
After executing these commands, launch the Miner again.
From this point the PC Miner should tell you all you need to know. Answer the questions to complete the configuration phase - miner will remember the settings for the future.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section. To stop mining - simply close the terminal window.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Let's do it the Apple way!
Mac support for Duino is quite experimental for now. The instructions below may not be fully descriptive as none of the Duino-Coin developers owns a macOS machine to confirm them.
To start, you'll need to install Homebrew to later get the latest version of Python.
Open the Terminal app and copy-paste the following command into it:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
(then execute it by clicking the enter key on your keyboard).
The script will explain what changes it will make and prompt you before the installation begins.
Next up we have to install Python 3. This can be done using Homebrew you installed earlier - execute this command in the terminal:
brew install python
We'll also install wget to easily download Duino-Coin files:
brew install wget
3 Now the steps are similar to installing Duino on Linux. Firstly download the source code version of latest release. If you prefer, you can download it from our GitHub.
To download the latest source you can use the following command:
After downloading you need to extract the .zip file. You can do this by opening it and moving the contents to your desktop or typing the following command:
Navigate into the folder you extracted the release to with
cd duino-coin-4.0
and Launch the by typing
into your terminal.
At first, the miner will (attempt to) automatically install required dependencies via pip. If it fails, you'll need to do it manually using the command it will provide.
From this point the PC Miner should tell you all you need to know. Answer the questions to complete the configuration phase - miner will remember the settings for the future.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section. To stop mining - simply close the PC Miner program.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Gotcha, let's try our web miner then!
Basics of the Web Miner
We have an online miner that runs on any device and is designed for users that can't (or don't want to) install anything on their devices. The mining process in a web miner happens in your web browser using JavaScript.
The webminer is a part of the webservices bundle - you can always find it on
Since you didn't connect your Duino account, you need to set up the web miner yourself. No worries though - it's just a few input boxes.
Below are the instructions on getting started with the Duino-Coin Web Miner.
1 To start, open the web miner. You should see fields asking for your username, mining threads, miner name and your mining key. Fill in the username field with yours and do the same with mining key if you use one.
Please note that the mining key is not your password. It's a separate passphrase that you set during registration (or set in the wallet).
2 If you want, you can enter a custom number of mining threads (cores) to launch and a custom miner name to get it nicely-identified in your wallet. Leaving these two fields blank will use recommended/default values.
Since you have connected your Duino account, here's a ready-to-use link to open and start the web miner directly on your account with recommended settings:
Working miner will display your total hashrate (total calculations per second) on a gauge on the left. The higher the hashrate - the better.
Hashrate varies from device to device and is mostly determined by the CPU (processor) used in the device. The number of threads (and used web browser in this case) can also affect it.
The Statistics box shows some miscellaneous info about the mining process - Accepted shares tells you how many correct calculations have been made by your device. Node indicates the server you're connected to (to get the calculation tasks from). Latency measures the network delays - if they're very high your profits may be negatively affected.
Profits from the web miner will be almost instantly visible in your wallet - your device gets rewarded for each solved job. You can monitor it's status in the Your miners box.
To stop mining - simply close the browser tab.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
We've got something ideal for you!
Basics of the Mini Miner
The Mini Miner was designed to be a bare-minimum, stripped-down version of the Web Miner. It uses only older technology (like HTML4) and basic (or polyfilled) JavaScript for maximum compatibility (really - you can run it on a 14 year old phone or Nintendo DS).
To start, you need to connect your device to the internet.
On feature phones that may require you to insert a SIM card to get internet access.
Newer devices may have Wi-Fi capabilities making things a lot easier.
In short, try to get your device online - refer to the manufacturer's manual if you need specific help.
2 Next up you have to locate a web browser on your device. Sometimes it's just called Browser, other times it may be branded e.g. Samsung Internet or Google.
3 Now the easy part - open the web browser and navigate to one of these URLs (enter them in the address/search bar):
Bonus part! Since you connected your account to this page, here are to use URLs to start mining directly on your username with your mining key. You can use it if you don't want to input that data via input boxes.
Using the Mini Miner is straightforward. As it's intended to be as bare-bones as possible for maximum compatibility, there are only two fields you need to fill out - your username and mining key (if you use one).
Once you fill these in, click the green Start mining button.
Working mini miner will display the accepted (correct) and rejected share count.
You get rewarded for each accepted share (job) that contributes to the Duino network.
Hashrate is the mining speed, measuring calculations per second. The higher it is, the better.
Difficulty is automatically adjusted by the Kolka system to assign the best one for your device
You can check if your device has been tested already by scrolling down in the mini miner. There's a list of benchmarked devices along with their hashrate and used web browser. You can help with expanding this list - tell us your results on our Discord server!
Profits from the mini miner will be almost instantly visible in your wallet. You can monitor it's status in the Your miners box.
To stop mining - simply close the browser tab.
Further reading and activities
You can use the Back button below to return to the device selection menu.
Great news, you're good to go with our PC Miner!
Basics of the PC Miner
Our official PC Miner is the preferred way to mine Duino-Coin. For simplicity we ship ready-to-use executables for Windows 10 and above. Instructions below will help you get it up and running.
To start download the latest release. The bundle also contains other official programs and codes you are likely to use along your Duino journey. The download button fetches data directly from our GitHub - you can also download files from there if you prefer so.
After downloading you need to extract the .zip file. You can do this by opening it and moving the contents to your desktop.
Launch the PC_Miner by double clicking on it's icon. From this point it should tell you all you need to know. Answer the questions to complete the configuration phase - miner will remember the settings for the future.
Working miner will report some mining statistics with each solved job (share) - you get rewarded for each accepted one that contributes to the Duino network.
Number of accepted/rejected shares and the percentage of correct ones (100% in the image) is displayed after the Accepted text.
The number in seconds tells how much time it took to solve that share - the lower, the better.
Prefixed value in H/s tells the minings speed - the higher the hashrate, the better.
Diff number is the mining difficulty - the higher it is, the harder it's to mine; it's automatically adjusted by the Kolka system depending on the device you're using.
Value in milliseconds is the network latency - if it's too high, your earnings may be negatively impacted.
You can inspect your miner remotely in the wallet. It should display your miner in the Your miners section. To stop mining - simply close the PC Miner program.
Further reading and activities
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